soo im new to this whole blogging thing but as of sunday i have decided to face myself and discover who i really am...which in turn led me to take up new hobbies, ideals, and creativity!
so to start off i feel i must give a rough outline, or rather goal of which i wish to shape my whole life and entire self around.
first: i will no longer search for help
this can be taken in a lot of ways. mostly i have come to the conclusion that life is given to you and you should have fun, no matter what your idea of fun is, because time is limited. instead of me needing someone else just to have fun i now realize i have the most fun alone, in the unkempt corners of my mind that have yet to be explored. all in all others can help you find happiness, you create it.
second: i will keep my aire of mystery
not sure if that is a word.."aire", but simply stated i intend to let few in to really know the real me. cliche, yes but tactful. not only is this a defense mechanism, but in my years of human study; also known as life, i have noticed people find fascination and beauty in the unexplainable or unattainable, so why not make myself unattainable?
third: i will live as i choose
recently i have been exposed to a different level of living and have no intent on turning around and backtracking. the suburbs tried they're best at me but some kids are just meant to fuck up. i dont necessarliy feel this as a rebellion for many reasons; one being i have and have never had rules, and another being im more productive and happy in my altered states of mind. as for other people's views, this could come off quite rebellious. as stated before though, i will choose how i live and if being reckless is what i choose then thats how i'll live.
now these 3 "epiphanies" are just the foundation for the work im determined to become. almost just a short simplified synopsis of the world im about to mold.
1 comment:
I do not think Miss Monroe was a proper woman, nor is she a proper role model.
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